Patient Participation Group


Join our PPG and help us to improve and maintain our services.

The Aims of the Patient Participation Group

  • To offer opinions in a constructive manner and to put forward ideas on behalf of other patients.
  • To improve the provision of health care.
  • To improve communication between surgery, patients and the wider community about matters concerning the surgery and health in general.
  • To provide assistance in development of new services.
  • To encourage a spirit of self help and support amongst patients to improve their health and social care.

Getting Your View

The group would like to contact patients on occasion by email and/or text so that they can obtain the views of the widest group of patients possible. We would like to obtain your email address and mobile phone number to do this. Please complete the Patient Contact Form to provide your consent for this.

Join our Patient Participation Group

Latest Meeting Minutes

Learning Event - PPG Meeting

Site name: The Riverside Practice
Event on 24/04/2024, led by RG
Others involved were: IK, OH


What are the learning points?

Practice: Dr Goel, Mrs Iqra Khan, Omar Hoque

Actions from last meeting
  1. IT training for patients - first session at Riverside booked on 9.5.2024
  2. Telephony- new contract signed and hopefully starting at the start of July 2024 allowing call queuing and call back features
  3. Text to patient to use our website more-sent 24.4.2024
  4. Text to patients about pharmacy first and other services-actioned
  5. You said we did poster- done
  6. Q& A for website- to be completed
IT Training

This will be starting on 9.5.2024

80 patients have responded and initial training will be on using the NHS App, online booking and pratice website use, using Accurx

Walking Group

This has been promoted by textin patienst and there will be stal att the practice in the afternoon on 9.5.2024 and 16.5.2024

Friends and family test

Overall this has been very positive scoring mostly very good or good

The results from March 2024 were:

  • 41 Very good
  • 6 Good
  • 2 Very poor

Comments included:

  • Had a positive experience
  • Kind and caring and calm and understanding nurse
  • Punctual and good service
  • Reception are understanding
  • Knowledgeable GPs
Practice Improvements

the budget is still to be confirmed

the PPG is asked to support these proposals

  1. £1000 for infection control works, new splash backs and taps in clinical rooms
  2. £ new patient call screen and installation- to obtain quotes to see if possible
  1. Capture the patient demographics on practice website use
  2. Continue recording patients preferred way of communication in their GP records
  3. Social prescribing services for under 16 year olds
  4. The PPG gave positive feedback of the reception staff
Agreed Actions
  1. Continue work on a Q&A section for the practice website
  2. Obtain quotes for a new patient call screen
  3. Capture the demographics of those patients using the pratice website
  4. Find put what social prescribing services are avaialble for those aged under 16
  5. Send the PPG members the practice business plan to review and discuss at the next PPG meeting scheduled for July 2024

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